Lake Granbury Weather Forecast
Your source for wind, weather, and sun on Lake GranburyGranbury, Texas weather outlook

The people of the Dallas and Fort Worth communities looking for weekend destinations see Granbury, Texas on a map and might think:
Okay, I need some cash, a swimsuit, and those cool sunglasses I bought at Stumpy’s Closet last time we were out to Lake Granbury.
It might not be the first priority to examine the barometric pressure.
Knowing the weather beforehand can significantly alter your weekend plans. Granbury sees an average of about 35 inches of rain per year. Thankfully, if Lake Granbury looks like clouds and rain, we have an entire experience of indoor food and fun at Stumpy’s Lakeside Grill, Stumpy’s Closet, and Stumpy’s Sweet Shack.
The rest of the time? Lake Granbury is a smooth reflection awash in Texas sun, waiting for the paddle boarder or boater cruising the lake on one of our Lake Granbury Marina boat rentals. When you’re not on the lake, we encourage visitors to take a walk through the historic Granbury Square, see Granbury’s live arts community at the Granbury Opera House, explore the Granbury City Beach, or maybe you’re here at Christmas and want to see the ambient glow of lights decorating Shanley Park.
For all these adventures, ensure your plans go off right by checking in with our Granbury weather and wind forecast, updated daily for our Lake Granbury visitors. When you’ve got your weekend scoped out with Lake Granbury as your destination point, there’s one thing left to do:
Enjoy it.
Fishing at Lake Granbury

Besides the absolute joy experienced by the kids at Lake Granbury Marina when they get to throw bread to the carp near the docks, Lake Granbury draws serious anglers from around North and Central Texas who have heard fishing spots like “Striper Alley” calling their name.
Lake Granbury is a lake with “clear to stained” water, as designated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, with most of its natural structure derived from the hundreds of shore-lined boathouses and piers. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has also installed a fairly extensive network of artificial habitats for fish to thrive, including mossback and bamboo structures that hide crappie, largemouth bass, white bass, catfish, and the ever-beloved striped bass.
We encourage Lake Granbury boaters to give us a call at 817-279-1000 with questions about fishing Lake Granbury before arriving. For more information, you can also view the current Texas Parks and Wildlife Lake Granbury fishing report.